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Canada’s First Dementia Village

距离温哥华一小时车程的地方是加拿大最新、最独特的社区之一. Comprised of human-scale single storey buildings, The Village Langley is rather unassuming at first glance. Here, residents talk to one another in the garden, stroll pathways with family members, or get their hair trimmed at the salon. Life in The Village Langley...



August 29, 2019

距离温哥华一小时车程的地方是加拿大最新、最独特的社区之一. Comprised of human-scale single storey buildings, The Village Langley is rather unassuming at first glance. Here, residents talk to one another in the garden, stroll pathways with family members, or get their hair trimmed at the salon. Life in The Village Langley mimics the status quo. This, itself, is the novelty.

The Village Langley is Canada’s first memory care community, 专为使痴呆症患者能够尽可能充分和自由地生活而设计. This means that residents wake up when they want, eat when they want, 并选择自己的活动,而不是像老年护理机构那样限制时间表.

“我们不希望把重点放在一个人的疾病或残疾上。”, says project lead Elroy Jesperson. Instead, “村庄”的目标是让居民尽可能长时间地自主生活. 但这并不意味着缺乏关爱——事实上,恰恰相反.

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该村由72名工作人员提供支持,他们帮助76名居民尽可能舒适地生活. 居民们被分成六套房子,与其他11名“村民”过着“家庭式”的生活。, and a household manager. 由一组护士和强化学习促进者提供额外支持, or ELFs for short. 每个住宅都由客厅等共享空间组成, library, 每个住户都有餐厅、私人卧室和配套浴室. In the kitchen, residents are welcome to make snacks whenever they like, 或者如果他们对烹饪感兴趣,帮助厨师准备即将到来的饭菜.

在村庄的中心是奥克伍德社区中心,居民可以在壁炉旁聊天,或者在咖啡馆与游客一起享受新鲜出炉的甜点. This warm and inviting centre is comprised of an art space, a café, a salon, a post office, a general store, 还有一个居民可以参与音乐的工作坊空间, yoga, and dance classes. Here, 住院医生可以在一个以护理为重点的环境中继续他们的日常生活,支持痴呆症患者的需求. 居民可以自由地与美发沙龙的工作人员预约,也可以在杂货店“购买”杂货, though everything is given to them free of charge.

IBI Mental Health Lead, Wendy de Silva非常兴奋地了解到这个村庄,因为IBI正在开展几个创新的痴呆症项目. “看到奥运村赋予人们权力,给他们这么多选择,这令人鼓舞. 这个项目对护理提供者和设计师来说是一个关于痴呆症护理未来方向的强烈信息.”

埃尔罗伊在这个行业工作了几十年,他认为《AG真人试玩网址》是他一生工作的顶峰. 退休前,埃尔罗伊决心在加拿大发展一种新型的老年人社区. This unique model of care was greatly inspired by de Hogeweyk in Holland and the Green House Project 在美国,居民尽可能长时间地保持他们的独立和自由感. 在埃尔罗伊看来,居民的安全应该被视为副产品,而不是目标. “有一种东西叫做安全过剩:对安全的关注损害了其他一切. Purpose, meaningful activities, well-being and fulfillment are often totally neglected, and these matter just as much, if not more.”

Now that The Village has opened its doors, 经过长期的努力工作,埃尔罗伊决定退休. 他希望他的村庄能激发老年人护理服务的转变,并为我们如何支持我们所爱的人提供新的机会.

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